Unless a person is uninsured, everyone pays a certain amount of money toward their insurance in case they get into an accident. This can help a person if they were in an accident and their personal insurance will help pay for injuries or damages. Or, if another person is responsible for your injuries, their insurance company can pay for your injuries or personal property damages. So, if people are paying for this service, are the insurance agents there to help when you finally need to use them? Not necessarily. Insurance companies are there to protect their bottom line, not make sure you get fair compensation.
How do they get away with this?
Many people pay a lot of money every month for their insurance and while they hope they never use it, they have peace of mind that it is there any case they ever need it. However, insurance adjusters are trained precisely for the time when a client calls and says they are looking for help, whether it is for their own injuries or because someone else is claiming the client caused their injuries.
So, when you want to file a personal injury claim against someone for causing you to become injured or causing property damage, you may quickly find that their insurance agent is not as caring as you thought. They may come across as concerned at first. Asking leading questions, wondering how you are feeling. However, they are taught to probe you for information in your conversations and find out how to use this information to keep their offer as low as possible. This is why it is important that you work with a lawyer, like a personal injury lawyer in Leawood, KS. A lawyer can help your personal injury case by:
- Establishing that you have a solid claim
- Compiling the evidence necessary to prove negligence
- Speak with and negotiate with the insurance agents involved in the case
Working with a lawyer means that if the other party’s insurance agent calls you and tries to get information from you, you do not owe them an explanation. You can wait to speak with your lawyer so that they can answer any questions the insurance agent may have.
If you would like help from a law firm like Daniel E. Stuart, P.A., call now. You should have reliable and trusted legal help on your side when you want to file a personal injury claim.